Embracing Contradiction… Or Not

Luke Goggins
3 min read6 days ago


Take a moment to think about the last time you actively sought out the opposing view to a belief and/or idea you had?

For many, it may have been quite a while, as it’s not easy.

The European football championship is well and truly underway and what a tournament it’s turning out to be, England perfomances aside of course! But that has made me reflect recently on the somewhat unwarranted expectation of England fans of the men’s football team. There is nothing really in the data that suggests they have a chance of winning the tournament. In cricket, the men’s and women’s teams have recently won World Cups, the women’s football team won the European Championships. But the men’s football team have not had any success. Especially if success is judged with consistency, then 1 World Cup with a questionable goal nearly 60 years ago is not success. As my Spanish friend so astutely put it, “Why does England always think football is coming home? It left home a long time ago, and does not want to come back!” 😂 But it does provide a timely reminder about the power of seeking and understanding other perspectives.

Throughout history, diverse cultures have emphasised the value of empathy and understanding. While ancient scriptures offer timeless guidance on wisdom and introspection, this principle extends beyond religious texts. It underscores a universal truth:

To truly understand, we must step into another’s shoes and perceive the world through their eyes.

In today’s digital age, where information is abundant yet increasingly polarised, it’s easy to gravitate towards sources that confirm our biases.

However, genuine critical thinkers recognise the importance of testing their beliefs against dissenting viewpoints. Engaging with diverse perspectives not only broadens our understanding but also sharpens our ability to reason effectively.

Despite its benefits, this practice isn’t as widespread as it should be. Perhaps that’s because the path to embracing diverse viewpoints is not without challenges.

It requires us to confront our own biases and resist the comfort of confirmation bias.

Acknowledging these challenges is crucial in our journey towards becoming more open-minded and adept critical thinkers.

In our daily lives, we can also start by:

  • Expanding our information sources beyond familiar.
  • Actively engaging in dialogue with individuals who hold contrasting views.
  • Practise active listening.

By developing these habits, you cultivate intellectual humility and enhance your critical thinking prowess.

You become adept at discerning between valid arguments and mere rhetoric – an invaluable skill in our personal and professional lives.

So, the next time you encounter an opinion that challenges your own, resist the urge to dismiss it outright. Instead, view it as an opportunity for growth and discovery. By embracing diverse viewpoints, you not only broaden your horizons but also contribute to a more inclusive and enlightened discourse.

Or consider why you shouldn’t… As that in itself, is the alternative viewpoint to the main point presented here.

