Sculpting Success: Crafting Your Data Landscape with Purpose

Luke Goggins
2 min readNov 17, 2023


When starting on your journey in data, it can be easy to be overwhelmed by so many options and choices. What I have found though, it pays to keep in mind what you want to achieve.

Focus on a question you want to answer, because statistics and data analysis/science, is centred around using the right tool for the right job.

Once you have clarity on that, it really narrows your vision on what to focus on first. Then over time and different use cases come up, you learn what tool you need when it’s relevant, and you slowly add to your arsenal.

It’s a bit like gardening! You start with some tools specific to things you need to do. A lawnmower to cut the grass, secateurs to prune your plants. If you have a hedge, you’ll need a strimmer, maybe some ladders depending on its size. But you walk into a large gardening store and you’ll be greeted with no end of options.

If you go in with a specific task and use case in mind, it’s a lot easier to navigate to where you need to get to.

And it’s no different with data and learning different methodologies.

Don’t get me wrong, there are times when you need inspiration and open your mind to what’s possible. You do not want to continually draw items from the same menu. But there’s a time and place for that. Do not let it overwhelm you and prevent you from action.

So it can help to take a step back, look at your goals and aspirations and what you need to do to nurture the seeds of your unique vision. Don’t endlessly wander about the metaphorical data aisles of the web, reading and exploring all the wonderful and fabulous options at your disposal. It’s easy to get lost in the vast orchards of data that may not bear fruit for your specific needs.

