Unveiling the Hidden Trap in Scientific Research

Luke Goggins
3 min readNov 9, 2023


Science and research are supposed to be the search for truth and knowledge. But, and you’re not going to want to believe this, so many people cheat from the start. Don’t fall into this trap, and you’ll yield greater insights as a result.

I’m talking about hypotheseseseses. Brace yourself.

There is a tendency for some researchers to state their hypothesis after they’ve seen their results, tarnishing the integrity of their work.

With true science, it’s crucial to state your hypothesis up front. Now many might think that in business, you don’t need to be that strict. But it pays to observe this underlying principle in your fight for insight.

Hypothesis testing is like the compass of the scientific world, helping us navigate through uncertainty and make sense of data. It’s your way of formulating an educated guess about the outcome of an experiment or research project. Just as you state your expected destination before you start a journey, researchers should state their hypothesis before conducting experiments.

Stating your hypothesis upfront is essential because it prevents bias and confirms the credibility of your research and/or analysis.

Directional vs. Non-directional hypotheses

Now, there are two primary types of hypotheses: directional and non-directional. A directional hypothesis predicts the specific direction of an effect. For instance, “The new drug will increase patients’ heart rates by 20 beats per minute.” In contrast, a non-directional hypothesis only predicts an effect but not its specific direction, such as “The new drug will have an effect on patients’ heart rates.”

Null Hypothesis Testing

Here’s where it gets really interesting. Let’s delve into the intriguing world of null hypothesis testing. The null hypothesis is like the “status quo” that we aim to challenge. It suggests that there’s no significant effect or difference in the variables being studied. Researchers use the null hypothesis as a baseline to compare their results to. If the data strongly contradicts the null hypothesis, it provides evidence to support your alternative hypothesis.

Let’s illustrate this with a case study: Imagine you’re testing whether eating biscuits (a lot) will increase your waistline. The null hypothesis would state that eating biscuits will have no effect on your waistline (I wish!). The alternative hypothesis would suggest that biscuits do have an effect on your waistline. By conducting your study and analysing the results, you can determine whether the null hypothesis is rejected in favour of the alternative hypothesis.

In essence, null hypothesis testing is a way to rigorously challenge the ‘default’ assumption and make sure that any observed effect is not due to chance.

Hypothesis testing is the foundation of scientific inquiry, ensuring that research is unbiased and credible. To maintain the integrity of your work, state your hypothesis before you start your research and analysis. Understand the difference between directional and non-directional hypotheses and the power of null hypothesis testing. Otherwise you’re kind of cheating. And cheaters never prosper. Well that’s my hypothesis anyway.

